Additional Trail Information, Maps and GPX Sources

Additional Trail Information, Maps and GPX Sources

There are many additional sources of information about the trail, including maps and GPX files, though the vast majority of sources are in German. A quick internet search will turn up links to such sites as: Odenwald Tourismus, Wanderbares Deutschland and Outdoor Active, which all have information about the trail. 

Guide Books

Amazon sells three guide books for the trail, one in English (by the author of this blog) and two in German. 

The Alemannenweg (English)

by Deena Batten

Auf dem Alemannenweg (German)

by Rainer Türk

Auf dem Alemannenweg: Ein Odenwälder Wandergedicht mit Hütehund (German)

by Pedro Sombrero


Five maps are recommended for this trail: Topographische Freizeitkarte 1:20 000 published by Hessiches Landesamt für Bodenmangement und Geoinformation Numbers:

TF 20 -2 Nordlicher Voderer Odenwald


TF 20-3 Breuberger Land


TF 20-4 Rodensteiner Land

TF 20-5 Bergstrasse-Odenwald


TF 20-6 Mittlerer Odenwald

Additional Links with GPX files



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